Archive for April, 2010


April 30, 2010

A former co-worker and current friend of mine, Candice (the amazing) sent me an email with the following message:

Subject: This will change your world


And let me tell you, my world is changed for the better.  This amazing, fashionable, and completely custom-styling clothing estore is fabulous.  Seriously.


Pick anything, anything you want and have custom sizing (for a small fee — about $15 for some changes). Change the neckline, length, pretty much anything about the dress, shirt, pants, or whatever you buy for a small fee and get this…

They ship in 3-5 days!

I’m completely hooked.  Check it out!


April 27, 2010

I love blueberry muffins.  They are very special to me because when I was little, my Dad would wake up on Saturdays and make us all a HUGE breakfast.  Which always consisted of eggs, bacon, and of course blueberry muffins.  And I don’t know if it is because of the fog this morning, or just that I’m feeling a little too grown up… but I decided that today is a blueberry muffin sort of day.

Happy Blueberry Muffin Tuesday.

The Graduate

April 26, 2010

Meet Diana.

Diana went to school.

While in school, Diana found a passion for interior design.

So Diana studied.

and practiced.

Now, Diana is graduating.

And hopeful all that studying,

and practing,

will give Diana the confidence

to go for a job interview

and totally nail it!

I think she’s got the stuff.

Go get ’em, girl!

Gender Reveal Party Part III

April 21, 2010

Amy and Travis really wanted the party to be celebration with family and close friends.  They didn’t want people to bring presents or have to worry about prizes and games.  So Amy asked me for a way to keep the guests occupied while they mingled and waited for the cake to be cut. 

I thought it would be really fun to have a photobooth set up with some props and boy or girl was it a hit! 

We even had fun setting it up.

This is team “Genital Reveal”.  Haha. Oh, nursing students… what can you do?

Evalie made up signs for the photobooth for “team boy” and “team girl”.  Which really played up the competition for who was right about the gender.

The photobooth was a hit.  We got some pretty amazing photos out of it too.  Here are just a few of my favorites from the day. 

This one is most definitely my favorite from the entire day:

Happy Wednesday!

I’ll be taking off for the rest of the week in preparation of finals.  So, I’ll do my best to blog next week as well.

Happy EARLY weekend, too!

Gender Reveal Party Part II

April 20, 2010

Okay, I know you’re all dying to find out what the baby is and how Amy and Travis decided to show everyone, so here we go!

Evalie, Amy’s best friend, came with them to the ultrasound and found out the baby’s gender.  Evalie then made this amazing cake (let me tell you right now, this fondant was AMAZING– and I hate fondant.  I’ll post the recipe soon).   

Evalie was told to make the color of the actual cake the either pink or blue based on the gender that was given to her by the technician.  Then Amy and Travis would cut into the cake, lift up a piece and find out in front of all their family and close friends, what they were having. We were all very anxious to find out!

Evalie even made some blue and pink cupcakes for all of us to enjoy.

After some good food and photo booth fun (more on that tomorrow), we all headed to see the cake cutting. 

Here’s a little photo session of how it happened:

It’s a GIRL!!!!

If you want to check out the video, click here.

Gender Reveal Party Part I

April 19, 2010

When I found out that my co-worker Amy, was pregnant I told her, “You HAVE to have a gender reveal party!”

I showed her a few examples and she absolutely loved it.

Amy and Trav went about two weeks ago to find out the gender of the baby and I can’t believe they were able to go so long without knowing!  Amy has a cute blog post about their trip if you want to check it out.

Finally, after two weeks it was time to start getting ready for the party.  We went and got our nails done, bought new outfits, and at 10:00 am on Sunday we started getting ready for 30 people to come over and find out what Baby Cotsenmoyer is!

Here are a few pictures of the set up we did: 

Check back tomorrow to find out Baby Cotsenmoyer’s gender and how they let everyone know!

Happy Monday!

Foto Friday

April 16, 2010

This week’s photo is brought to you by Sunday Suppers.  A brilliant blog of chefs that host events on the weekends and blog about them throughout the week.  They are absolutely fabulous. 

This week, they showed us a fabulous recipe, French Brioche Toast.  It looks amazing.  I might need to make it this weekend, if only I knew where to get that kind of toast.  Any suggestions?

Happy Weekend!

DIY: Paper Flowers

April 15, 2010

Happy Thursday, Readers!  I hope you’ve enjoyed your week thus far.

My friend Amy went to New York this past New Year’s Eve and saw these paper flowers. She uploaded and tagged me as them on Facebook, demanding that I make them.

So here’s my version:

I’ve seen quite a few tutorials out there, but most of them require a punch of some kind or some other special tool.  I’m going to show you how to make these paper flowers with pretty much common household items.


1 old book or newspaper

1 pair of scissors

1 pencil

Elmer’s glue or any other stick glue

Some pipe cleaners


Tear out a page from an old book or grab a sheet of newspaper.  Fold the bottom right corner towards the left side of the page, you should form a right triangle.

Cut off the excess and un-fold.

You now have a square.  Fold the paper in half down the middle.

Fold again. Now you have a smaller square.

Grab your triangular crease and fold. Then grab the tip of the side where all the folds meet.

Cut out the shape of your flower petals.  Remember not to completely cut off the folds.

Unfold the entire thing.  You should have a pretty good flower shape.

Cut off one of the petals.

Now, here’s where it gets a little confusing to pay close attention.  Let’s call the petal to the right of the cut, Petal A and the left one, Petal B.

Put some glue on Petal B.  Place Petal A on top of petal B.

Press and let dry.

Cut out a few more flowers.  At least three more to be exact.  Once you unfold the next flower, cut off two petals instead of just one.

Place the glue on Petal B, and place Petal A over petal B.  Press and let dry.

Continue to cut one more petal off each time until you have at least four flowers in varying sizes.

Take up a pencil and begin to use it by rolling the ends of the petals from the back.  This creates a nice curling effect.

Repeat on all the flowers.

Next cut the tips on the backs of all the flowers.  This is where you will thread the pipe cleaner stem.

Begin layering the flowers on top of another.  Starting with the largest flower, dab some glue and place the next smallest flower inside.

Continue layering until you are out of mini flowers. You can also use your scrap pieces to make the center bits by folding them back with the pencil and rolling them into submission.

Take up your pipe cleaner.  Ball up one of the ends to make a knob.  If you need, you can twist two pipe cleaners together and then knob them at one end.  This will serve as your anchor in the center of the flower.

Pull the pipe cleaner through all the way to the knob.  It should be taunt and given that you didn’t make your holes too big, it should hold pretty well.

And you’re done!

These flowers have so many uses.  You can put them in a vase, make them a cute cake topper, a boutonniere, bouquet, headband… you name it!  You can also paint them like in the first picture above. The possibilities for inspiration are endless with these.

Here are some of the others Jonna, Marie, and I made.

Have a great rest of your day!

Huntington Library Fun

April 13, 2010

Here are some more photos from our trip to the Huntington Library, but this time with us in them.

Happy Tuesday!

I’ve Never… Been to the Huntington Library

April 12, 2010

Hello and Happy Monday!

This week’s “I’ve Never” is about a trip to the ever famous Huntington Library, ironically not located in Huntington Beach, CA nor a library. But never the less beautiful!

Creswell wanted to go there for her birthday with her girls.

It was such a blast and a beautiful day. All the beauty surrounding me with dear friends completely made my weekend.  If you’ve never been, then you must go as soon as possible. It’s fabulous. Just check out these photos for yourself.

There were beautiful gardens everywhere.

Welcome to the Rain Forest.

The main house was full of beautiful paints, artifacts and pretty spiral staircases.

Hope you enjoyed my tour of the Huntington Library.  You really should go see it if you can.  Check back tomorrow for some fun photos from the day.