Archive for May, 2010

Tweet, tweet…

May 26, 2010


Sorry for my lack of posting this week.  I’ve been crazy  busy with planning for a graduation party, packing for our road trip this weekend, and working on a take home final that would blow the lid off of ::insert famous business finance guru here::!

But, I have been tweeting a bunch this week, so if you aren’t a subscriber, check me out!

Happy Wednesday.

Weekend Recap in Pictures

May 24, 2010

This weekend was full of adventures.  I hope you all had a great weekend too!

(Photoshoot with Creswell)



(French Pressed Coffee)


(LOST party — I’m still lost…)

 Happy Monday!

Foto Friday

May 21, 2010

This week’s photo is brought to you by Ester Coombs. Ester is an amazingly talented designer and a girl after my own heart — the unique pieces that she makes are created from second/thrift store finds! She then does her drawings right on to the dishes to create really beautiful pieces, like those seen above.

You absolutely must check out her shop and her blog.

Happy Friday!

Happy Birthday, Sister!

May 20, 2010

Today is my “little” sister’s birthday!

She’s turning 23 today and I seriously, can’t believe it.  She’s like an adult or something.

I remember growing up with my sis, that we were best friends.  We used to make up dances and plays, and had a club with our friends.

Oh, and we were really good at playing dress up…

We loved to spend time together, torturing our little brother and what not.

This is one of the good moments.  But just check out the terror on Jonathan’s face.

“Please mom, don’t leave me alone with them!”

Over the years, our relationship has had its valleys and we’ve both been through many changes.  But we’ve always found our way back to each other.

I’ve had many friends in my life, all of which have come and gone… but my sister has always been there for me.  Just like my mom always said.

So, the moral of the story is… Listen to your mothers.

Unless they dress you like this…

Okay, maybe even then.

Happy Birthday, Sis!

Vintage Cake Topper

May 19, 2010

This past weekend Candice (the amazing) and I went thrift store shopping.  While we did some pretty strange things:


We did find some cool things, like some old life magazines, a dress (which I tried to alter and utterly failed at), some awesome shoes for my Dad, and this cute vintage cake topper:

I think it’s absolutely sweet. 

Happy Sweet Wednesday!


May 18, 2010

papernstitch is a community of shops, sellers and buyers.  It was created to  promote talented artists, designers, and makers selling handmade goods. 

If you have a website, etsy store, portfolio that you would like featured to their community, just register and submit your artwork. 

Check out their blog too for the latests features and information about this great community of crafters, thrifters, and artists… and check out their tutorials!

Happy Tuesday!

Weekend Recap in Pictures

May 17, 2010

This weekend was chalk full of fun things — it completely made up for the past three weekends in bed.

Went to the thrift store with Candice (the amazing) and found some pretty interesting things…

(weird, creepy thrift store finds)

Went out to a fabulous dinner in Fullerton with great friends.  Met the owner/manager and chatted for a while.

(Angelo’s and Vinci’s)

Saw some monsters…

(the basement of Angelo’s and Vinci’s)

Went Back to the Future…

(fully remastered version)

Went to the fair with some other great friends…

(Escondido Fair)

Gave the dog his first bath in four weeks… about time.

(Boone in the bath)

Happy Monday!

I’ve Never… Driven Stick

May 13, 2010

Again, in the spirit of stretching myself I tried something I’ve never been able to do or haven’t done before.

My fear of driving stick started when I was 17 (ish).  My dad, whom I love dearly, tried to teach me how to drive stick in his dinky truck on the freeway.  It was definitely not a pretty sight.  Anyone remember the Van Buren off-ramp on the 215?  It used to have a stop sign at the top? Yeah.  Enough said.

Never-the-less I thought, “This is ridiculous!  I can do this!”

So last Saturday, Alex let me drive from BIOLA all the way to our house; on  the freeway; in traffic.  It was exhilarating!  I was extremely nervous but I knew I needed to conquer the stick-shift.  And I did!

Get inspired and do something you’ve never done!

The Herzogs

May 12, 2010

Crisa and TJ, very dear friends of mine, are having their first child. They have waited and planned for this little one for a few years now, hitting every bump along the way. But, Crisa and TJ have been extremely faithful and the Lord has blessed them with the desire of their hearts. So, as you can imagine, we are all very excited to meet her when she comes.

In the anxiousness of waiting for their baby girl, I got together with Crisa and TJ for some photos of them to hang in the baby’s room. Crisa wanted some formal portraits at their house, edited in a brown tones to match the room, so we started there.

Then we went down the street to the beautiful CBU.  We took a blanket and had loads of fun walking in the grass with our bare feet.

This little one will never go a day without realizing how much she is loved or how much her parents love each other.  And that’s something to shout about!

Congratulations Crisa and TJ.

Love you.

Mac Convert: A Commentary

May 11, 2010

We are all aware of the mutiny that can happen when one begins to compare PCs and Macs.  Any devoted Mac lover has made it their purpose  to seek out all PC lovers and convert them in to Mac users.  And when one steps over to the Mac side it’s something to brag about.

The following “comment-ary” follows one such “conversion”.

Begin scene:

“Better than I expected!” – Justin


Alexander Lopez
Another convert! HUZZAH!
Jonna Isaac
Alert the presses! I’m calling Jobs immediately. It’s over Beasley, you’re on the mac train now.
Lenny Esposito
Reminds me of a “Friends” episode:

Phoebe: I can’t believe you caved.

Ross: What?

Phoebe: You just abandoned your whole belief system! I mean, before, I didn’t agree with you, but at least I respected you. How, how, how are you going to go into work tomorrow? How, how are you going to face the other science guys? How, how are you going to face yourself?

Jonna Isaac
Lenny, you do realize you just compared devoted PC users to atheists who believe in evolution, while the idea of enjoying a mac is compared to belief that there is a God? Yeah, that just happened.
Christie Obst Merrill
Nice one Jonna. So true.
Lenny Esposito
Actually, I merely pointed out that an analog existed in the series of events in the episode and the series of events here. It would not follow that any truth claim can be inferred simply because parallel set of circumstances exists. Conclusions about the truth or falsity of a proposition must be derived from the supporting premises of the proposition itself.

The passage in Luke 16:1-8 is a good example of a passage where this type of mistake is often made. Jesus, using the analogy of an unjust steward preparing for his coming dismissal is not to be understood as an endorsement to cheat others who may fire you; He is simply using an illustration emphasizing that even as the steward, who is evil, sees the importance of planning for his future needs. So how much more should the righteous man plan for his future life in the Kingdom?

Alexander Lopez
Allow me to sum up what Lenny is saying… “Blah blah (analog or analogy?) blah blah blah Lenny compares what he said to what Jesus said blah blah…” and for the last part I may need clarification as I am unsure if Lenny just called Justin an evil or a righteous man?
Lenny Esposito
Alex: Every cultist I’ve ever met has similarly dismissed a reasonable presentation in order to justify their own views.
Jonna Isaac
Alex, I can’t believe you joined a cult and allowed them to teach you how to make jokes on facebook. How could you?!
Lenny Esposito
The cult of Jobs is powerful and its minions are many.
Alexander Lopez
Lenny, let me remind you that this whole conversation stemmed from your secular quotation of a television show that given your spot on recollection of it’s material leads me to believe that you are just as much into a cult of “Friends” that I am in a cult of so called “Jobs”.
Justin Beasley
For the record, the quote above was pieced together from what I actually said. There was a single feature which I said was better than I expected. Therefore I regret (well…) to inform all parties that there has NOT been a conversion. I am merely a victim of the liberal media. The end.
Christie Obst Merrill
How dare you compare me to the liberal media, Justin! I am neither liberal, nor the media. The end.
Jonna Isaac
This entire thread should be in The National Museum of Misrepresentation and also in The National Museum of PC Users who slip and reveal their true, but deeply hidden love of Macintosh.
Brendan Stark
not all pc users are terrorists, but most terrorists use pcs… wait, what’s the discussion here? I’m confused.
End Scene.
Happy Tuesday!